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"We must begin ‘Our Revolution’!"

전 세계를 집어삼키고 있는 괴물들과 맞서 싸우기 위한 바디우 선생의 네가지 원칙! 


what happens during the horror of the profound night

to think beyond the affect

what we must do, which is not precisely to be under the law of affect, of negative affect, but at the level of thinking, action, political determination, and so on. 

the situation of the world today

historical victory of globalized capitalism

two possibilities concerning the historical destiny of human beings : liberalism(private property), socialist/communist way(the end of inequalities)

Everybody knows that monstrous inequalities cannot be a solution of the historical destiny of human beings

“Okay, it’s not so good, but it’s the only real possibility.” 

there is no other solution, no other way. 

‘monster’: globalized capitalism and its inequalities

 the monster is more and more a monster. 264 = 3 billion persons 

the choice  between that sort of guy and the rest of the educated politicians, the new form of political vulgarity and something subjectively violent

democratic fascism

affective language which creates a false unity but a practical unity.

we are in a fatal dialectics of four terms. the crisis of today

First, the general and strategic domination of globalized capitalism. the complete brutality and blind violence of the savage capitalism of today.

Second: the decomposition of the classical political oligarchy, the birth of the new figure of a new fascism

Third, the popular disorientation and frustration. The lack of orientation, of stability, the feeling of the destruction of their world, without the construction of another world; so a sort of void destruction. 

fourth, the complete lack, of another strategic way. A great Idea which is the possibility of global unification, strategic unification of all forms of resistance and invention. An Idea is a sort of mediation between the individual subject and the collective historical and political task, and it’s the possibility of action across and with very different subjectivities, but under the same Idea in some sense. 

After that, what is to be done?

because Hillary Clinton and Trump are in the same world

Bernie Sanders and Trump,  inside the world and beyond the world

we must propose a political orientation which goes beyond the world

We must begin, the beginning of the return to the true contradiction, to a real choice, to a real strategic choice concerning the orientation of human beings.

We must reconstruct the idea that against the monstrous inequalities of the present capitalism, against also the new gangsters of classical politics, like Trump

we must go beyond the One, in the direction of the Two. it’s the dialectical return to the real Two beyond the One, and we can propose some names for that sort of return. ‘Communism’

four principles

first, it’s not a necessity that forever private property and monstrous inequalities must be the law of the becoming of humanity.

second,  it’s not a neces­sity that workers will be separated between noble work and manual work.

third, it’s not a necessity for human beings to be separated by national, racial, religious or sexual boundaries. 

fourth, it’s not a necessity that there exists a state, in the form of a separated and armoured power. 

collectivism against private property, polymorphous worker against specialization, concrete universalism against closed identities, and free association against the state.

‘Our Revolution’



"내 마음의 리듬을 믿고(この胸のリズムを信じて)", "우리는 걷는다 단지 그뿐(ぼくらは步く ただそんだけ)"

엮인글 :


2016.11.17 10:50:00

Q : 번역기 돌려서 읽어봤는데, 자본주의 퍽킹이고 트럼프 퍽퍽킹인데 힐러리와 차이는 있지만 거기서 거기일 뿐이고 지금의 민주주의는 퍽킹하고 자본주의는 퍽퍽퍽킹하니까 유일한 해결책이 뉴코뮤니즘이고 샌더스에게 뉴코뮤니즘을 제안하는 건가요?ㅎ

A : ㅎㅎ 네에~ 우선, 글로벌 자본주의와 불평등을 비판한 다음, 그 세계를 뛰어 넘기 위해 "Communism"의 4가지 원칙을 제시하고, 샌더스가 제안한 "Our Revolution"을 지지한다는 뭐 그런...

Q : 코뮤니즘의 네가지 원칙 번역좀여 아워 레볼루션 설명좀여

A : 영알못+바알못이지만, 이렇게 번역/해석해 보면 어떨까요?

첫째, 글로벌 자본주의가 당연시 하는 '사적 소유'와 불평등은 필연적이지 않다. (M선생,엥선생이 강조했듯이, '소유' 일반의 철폐가 아니라 축적된 노동(자본)의 "사적 소유"를 사회적 성격으로 바꾸는 것)

"공산주의의 특징은 소유 일반을 폐지하는 것이 아니라 부르주아적 소유를 폐지하는 것이다. ... 이런 의미에서 공산주의자들은 자신들의 이론을 사적 소유의 철폐라는 한마디 말로 요약할 수 있다."
(The distinguishing feature of Communism is not the abolition of property generally, but the abolition of bourgeois property. ... In this sense, the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property.)

"따라서 만약 자본이 공동체의 소유, 즉 사회 성원 전체 의 소유로 바뀐다고 하더라도 개인적 소유가 사회적 소유로 바뀌는 것은 아니다. 바뀌는 것은 오직 소유의 사회적 성격뿐이다."
(Capital is therefore not only personal; it is a social power. ... It is only the social character of the property that is changed.)

둘째, 노동(자)을 지적 노동, 육체 노동 등으로 구분하지 말자. (예전에, 노동당 대표라는 분이 "(주식투자하는) 대기업 노동자"와 연대할 수 없다는 식의 빻은 소리를 한 적이 있죠. 참고로 저는 ㄴㄷㄷ)

셋째, 사람을 민족, 인종, 종교, 성 등으로 나누지 말자.

넷째, 구획되고 무장된 형태의 국가가 불가피한 것은 아니다.

차라리, 꼼선언을 다시 읽어보는 기회로 삼는 것도 좋을 것 같아요. 참고로, 꼼선언 밑줄은 아래 게시물의 첨부파일에! http://kuchu-camp.net/xe/29899

Our Revolution은 위의 홈페이지 https://ourrevolution.com/ 를 참고! =)
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