공중극장 게시판

☆ [공중극장]  M선생 탄신일 기념 <Miss Marx>



* 일시: 2021.5.5(wed) 19:00 door open / 20:00 screening start
* 장소: 공중캠프
* 회비: 무료 (술/음료 별도 주문)
* 상영작: <Miss Marx> (Susanna Nicchiarelli, 107m, 2020)
Bright, intelligent, passionate and free, Eleanor is Karl Marx’s youngest daughter. Among the first women to link the themes of feminism and socialism, she takes part in the workers’ battles and fights for women’s rights and the abolition of child labor. In 1883 she meets Edward Aveling and her life is crushed by a passionate but tragic love story.
Eleanor’s story gave me an opportunity to explore startlingly contemporary themes within a period context, but to do so properly I was determined to first study and then overturn the clichés of the costume drama. I tried to subvert the image of a Victorian heroine and replace it with a modern, emblematic picture of a woman fighting battles on both the personal front and the world stage. I believe that Eleanor’s story requires delicate irony: her love life was both absurd and tragic, her plight more than familiar to women today. But the story also demands profound respect: Eleanor’s battles and those of her peers are just as modern and urgent today as they were in the past.
* Karl Marx (1818.5.5 ~ 1883.3.14)


* [공중극장]은 영화/다큐/드라마 등 영상물에 관심이 있는 캠퍼들의 소모임이자 공중캠프 (비)정기 상영 이벤트입니다. 일반적인 영화관에서처럼 깜깜한 조명 아래 가만히 앉아 영화를 관람하기 보다는, (주위 분들에게 민폐를 끼치지 않는 선에서) 친구와 이야기도 나누고 맥주도 한 잔 할 수 있는 자리입니다. (조명을 완전히 끄지 않습니다. 상영 중 수다 및 음료/술 주문, 화장실 들락날락 등이 가능합니다.)

"내 마음의 리듬을 믿고(この胸のリズムを信じて)", "우리는 걷는다 단지 그뿐(ぼくらは步く ただそんだけ)"

엮인글 :

댓글 '1'


2021.05.27 16:48:56

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